Pool story

I have been learning swimming from my colleague slash friend in the past 2 months. The lessons go on sporadically and such randomness actually takes me quite some time to master the basics; also thanks to her persistence and my empathy for a pregnant lady who only sleeps better after swimming hence I decided to be her companion and by any chance maybe I could try to drown myself and swim. So we are kind of gung-ho about the after-work swimming session. No more after-work beer session, you see, as I’m pretty disturbed by the fact of being called ‘fat’ by a man who has bigger belly than my colleague’s pregnant tummy. That, of course, is my goddamn good motivation to make myself exercise.

Day 1 to day 5, I barely even knew how to breathe. All I did was trying to finish the lap without breathing and of course, I swallowed some chlorine and got my nose suffered. Until her husband took turn and came to rescue the hopeless me from asylum starting from day 6.

3 scattered laps in one night marked my achievement in my day 11. My friend’s husband is not a professional but his coaching attitude is definitely professional than any other coach out there. And I gotta tell all the beginner swimmer, I fucking sprained my back because I swam almost every day and pushed myself too hard. I don’t know how did it happen but seriously, take it slow and relax in the water.

Under the water, I feel free.

The next thing I realise is I’m a changed person. I have a new hobby.


Anonymous said…
Under the water is really free. Plus can hear... silence. Sort of lar.. If people chit chat loudly then can hear muffled voices lar.
But it's very peaceful until I imagine a shark or crocodile coming.

i lap u said…
Come on! Sis, u can do it!
Xuyene said…
Robbstar: Shit I totally forgot about comment box! OH PLEASE, I have yet played the Jaws suspend music effect so confirm NO SHARKS!

Thanks a lot, bro. Shall swim together one day.

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