Another another weight loss brag

August 6 marked my 4-month of weight loss journey. When my weight was stagnant in the last two months, I hit the plateau already, which was sooner than I thought that's it. On second thought, I was thinking I was at certain weight below what I weighed currently so there must be way to get back. 2 months later, I broke the plateau and the weight further reduced 6 kg. What's more surprising to me is the reduction of my total body fat reduced by 4% while muscle mass increased by 7%. Right now, I am at the weight from 5 years ago, with less body fat and more muscle mass.


  1. Stay motivated by changing workout plan everyday. Those YouTube fitness videos are extremely helpful without thinking how to tweak your routine. If the mood says 30-min, then pick a 30-min routine; if you feel like doing 10-min today, then split 5-min each for upper and lower body.
  2. Everything is on your mind - learn one new move every week and practice it. You can't do it today doesn't mean you can't do it tomorrow. Increase intensity once a week on great-form day. Remember, your body is fast learner.
  3. Consistency is key - on time for eating, sleeping, moving, exercising, and fitting all of them in schedule.
  • Add more consistency - my husband and I find joy in weight loss competition. We wake up the same time to weigh ourselves before first glass of water every morning.
  • Deter temptation of shopping for new clothes - attempt to fit in clothes I thought I would never be able to wear them and now I own more to wear and the wardrobe turnaround time has increased. 
  • Less spend on food - basically I still practice 20:4 so 1 meal is essential while most of the time I am not eating I spend my time on work, read, and workout everyday.
Realistically, I have less than 4 months to end 2020. I don't have a target on my mind but I am going to challenge to reduce more body fat and tone as much as I can on stubborn and flabby areas, and let's see 5 kg reduction is what I could achieve this year, with no bounce back. Wish me luck!


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