
Showing posts from November, 2009

那個冬天 我認識了小丘

這裡沒有四季之分,往北上的方向再偏南一點點,据我所知已經是冬初。當然我體驗不到那個地方有多冷,反而這裡天天下著傾盆大雨,濕漉漉地真叫人鬱悶。那天的我,有點無聊加上一點點的懊惱,要知道本小姐的脾氣本來就偏暴躁,突如其來地一個短訊我並沒有多加理會,又是一個來增添煩惱的人。 “喂喂,小靚女……” 然後劈里啪啦打了一些廣東字眼,我突然閒興致勃勃想囘他,所以我們聊了很多不是工作上的東東。看來這個時候的人容易做錯事,交錯朋友,認錯人,偏偏不信邪,聊到下班爲止。當時候我心裏確實有點踏實了,朋友就是這麽來的。 如果你問起我那年的冬天我在幹嘛?也許我會以很興奮的、很平靜的、很慵懶的、很理所當然的說: 那個冬天,我認識了小丘。你不知道的是,我們都生活在地球的南北兩端,而且擁有著屬於我們的流浪夢。認識了小丘,我開始學會嚮往一個有目標的生活。而那個生活,還帶著小丘的影子和爽朗的笑聲和趣怪的動作。 小明説,我們很變態,談的話題變態到在他腦海裏揮之不散。其實他忘了我們是一夥的。

Club statistics

Realisation 1: Lads who walk past you for more than 3 times are spy for their friends. Realisation 2: The spy will approach you first to penetrate your status. Realisation 3: Spy will bring their friends along for some stupid introduction and invitations. Realisation 4: Fail tempt doesn't cost a thing. They will still keep an eye on you, giving eye contacts, signalling you to drink from far. Realisation 5: Ego lads are willing to settle for second-best. Realisation 6: Lanky ladies are definitely not a hot choice in a club as being told that the lads feel intimidated. Realisation 7: He deserves the right to flirt with you. But if seeing you flirt with another guy, he shakes head and walks away. Realisation 8: A group of 4 is the ideal number in a club and it must be homogeneoous because it's ideal to be approached. Realisation 9: Girls stick in a group are lesbians. Lads in a group are sexiest table in the club. Realisation 10: Guards are guys' best friends in the club. Or p