
Showing posts from May, 2010

Secret's keeper

I think I never really had a communicative conversation with some people for quite some time already. It's the downside of not having an interest to gossip and gossiping with a group of curious cats. At least, you get some information from different sources and source accuracy is yet the focal point. Some people appreciate your carelessness because you don't care about their shit. Some think you're boring because you have nothing to share. Not even yours. Some reckon you are heartless fuck who have least concern for the others. I'm being loved and being hated at the same time. The last thing they realise it, I'm the best target to keep their secrets which I usually think it stinks and my brain isn't your emotion bin. You think that's the end of the secret? No, secret comes in episodes like drama. They test your memory for how much you've remembered from the previous episode and the plot keeps developing. And then I ponder, why would some people proud

Spare change

That was my birthday. I went to the original white coffee shop with my mate. Here came a beggar who spoke fluent Cantonese, "Hi Miss! I wish you have good health." We were then paused our conversation, quietly sipping our respective iced white coffee. His bowl came before me. I just laid down my head and looked away. My mate was just starring. I then put up my palm and signaled him to go away. He was still repeating the phrase before he left, "Missy, I wish you have good health." This moment, we finally stopped speaking to each other. 20 seconds later, she asked, why didn't you just donate to him? I replied nonchalantly of having a really bad experience with terrible liar who cheated my kindness. She asked again, "What if he really needs the money for a bun or a cup of water?" Silent invaded afterward. "Looking at his back, that sight really hurts my heart. I wished I had spare change to buy him something to eat." She regretted of her act, an

Dude, we have a schedule to keep on

For lads, they always have weekend sports appointment to keep on; while for ladies, shopping deal is on when an individual is emotionally ready or a group is formed to conquer the mall. Cash or not, nah I've got credit cards. Or a bunch of supportive girlfriends who are willing to lend you some for getting your piece of satisfaction. I'm not motivated for jogging now because it rains almost every day when I returned from office. My brother has his own footie schedule to keep on and I do not have a sporting boyfriend to tell me, "Chubby hon, get your gears and we gotta go for a jog now." Joining gym doesn't make it better off as tonnes of excuses would be made to not make a swift turn to the club. Motivation is priceless under such circumstance. Le sigh. My colleague, Nattie used to pluck two of my outgrown white hairs because she found it too hilarious and she couldn't stop laughing it until it's plucked. Robbstar and Debbie plucked off 5 strands while get


这里的天气,我想我可以用“过意不去”来形容。 昨天的气温高达38度,今早晨就下起了倾盆大雨,浇湿了地球上热气,平息了所有人的闷热心情。 根据澳洲的气候,现在应该是秋末,几近初冬,刚刚过完了忙碌的一周。 今天只想好好的赖一赖床,弥补前些日子早上六点半启程去几近40公里的地方搞活动,晚上一身疲累把自己扔在床上不省人事到明天早晨,同样的行程快把我压垮。 搭飞机是很累人的,驾车也没差。 我也快毕业一年了,怎么我还那么想念早晨抱着一叠书去上课的感觉? 沿路的晨跑者总是让我精神满满的去面对美好的一天。 苹果的耳机简直是附属品,喜欢聆听晨风,也不想错过迎面而来陌生人的 G'day! 好期待蓝花楹(Jacaranda)盛开的时刻,还有在青绿草坪上的人群。 披着觉得很拉风的外套,拽拽地昂头往着教室走去,当然偶尔也要闪自行车。 那时候我会碰到的人都不太认得我,可能在球场上和球场外的我,衣着讲究有待评估。 现在你认为我还那么在意吗?往往眼镜挂脸上的同时,别人都看不出我刚毕业。 扮专业我很在行,虽然我样子看起来很香蕉,我讲的中文虽然很本土化,英文也参个乱七八糟… 因为我知道字正腔圆的语文没办法拉近国人的隐性距离。 至少我知道什么场合该说怎样的话,什么时候该写正式到不行的文章。 但是掩饰自己不会中文这种事情我做不来,我是骄傲的族群,这却跟“我是中国后代”搭不上关系。 还有,承认和否认是有差的,没有任何表示的表情,才高招。 我想跟楼上的中国同胞说,我懂得你那中国腔的中文,别再说马来西亚人的坏话。 我想对走在前头、香烟往后扑的扑街吐痰,再抱歉地说,我为你扑火。 我想跟所有以为女性是烂司机的男士说,昨天差点导致我车祸那八辆车的司机,一律是男生。 最近天气真的很糟糕,阴晴之间的过意不去,也让我身体和情绪有些过意不去。抒发完毕。

Double Rainbow

I've seen heaps of rainbows these days. Oh my! Huge double rainbow that appears vividly to my line of vision. How amazing it is! Too bad I didn't capture any as no camera came in handy at the moment. The taxi driver lowered down my side of window, showed me the rainbows and I was impressed by his sweet gesture. He told me about how blessed he was to live in such beautiful world. Two years ago, I saw a small, beautiful rainbow under a moving surfer's surfing board in Gold Coast. I swear to my Xiao Bai, it was the most beautiful scene I'd ever seen on a beach. Other than the hot surfer who didn't even realise he could actually surf upon a rainbow. The last double rainbow I've seen was yesterday, while driving home alone, blasting some nonsense over the stereo stopping at crossroad, I looked at my side mirror and that's where it's shown. Yes, it was that huge and vivid that even my side mirror could capture half of its actual size. Wasn't it awesome! So


Weekend is meant to be chillaxing. Dropped off my workloads, hit the road, and get some good food with awesome companions as always. Gosh, he called us the Manors Love. Photo courtesy of Mr Kenny Went for KL Design Week. Spent around 2 hours appreciating Australia contemporary architectural arts, Japanese typo-graphics, Japan Media Arts, Tokyo Visualist, Japan Young Illustrations, and missed not our very own Malaysian paintings. I personally favoured for the Unity (3 different colours of Chilies as metaphors in illustration), Waterfalls (very surreal looking), and Nanyang Chineses Kopitiam (the high-waist pants with belt clinched on, jade-stoned golden ring, classic white singlet, and kopi-O on the table). I was surprised to see the portrait of Tan Hong Ming and Umi Qazrina - their innocent smiles were so heartwarming. As for Japanese arts, it never fails to cheer one's up with mostly white and bright background and simple few strokes to capture your attentions. Suffices to say, a


Girlfriend: You broke my phone! Boyfriend: Okay darling, I will replace one for you. Ex-boyfriend: You broke my heart! Ex-girlfriend: It still works well, doesn't it?


A commitment. A birthday surprise. An inspirational book. A card with heaps of wishes. A memorable food-hunting trip. A bunch of amazing friends. A celebrating moment. An exciting job. And, I'm thankful :)