Tricky statement

I went to McDonald's this morning. Grabbed the newsletter, ordered hotcakes, waited for the sugar refill. Few college students were there to enjoy early breakfast with their mates. A college boy was getting his ketchup and making his coffee at the corner, while I tried to grab sugar and plastic utensils. He kept looking up and down for his ketchup and coffee. "You're so tall." I stoned there for while, didn't know what should I say next, just beamed at him and walked back to my table.

Returned to my office and saw my colleague coming in already, I told her about this incident. "What should be my next line? I don't think 'thank you' is appropriate. Beaming is somehow, impolite and idiotic. What do you think?"

"Haven't you been practiced for all this while? 'Thank you' would be good."

Still I don't think 'thank you' is good, as I never consider this shit as a compliment. Kinda tricky, you see, because one of my female colleagues is taller than me and whenever we raise the height issue, she usually shifts the focus onto me to share some sort of equality - like, "I ain't no monster' kinda defense mechanism. Actually I feel her, you know, being tall and lanky is no crime but people tend to magnify it to the level of which you might feel guilty being around with people in 160ish. Isn't that cruel.

I think I probably will just beam this statement away.


The Passenger said…
Your next line should be,

A/S/L ?
Anonymous said…
being tall very good ma..better than " you're so short" thank you also kenot say. or cant even beam away..

Xuyene said…
Dude, nice 2 meet u 2. HAHA funny shit.

Baoz, kinda make sense. But isn't it weird to say thank you? Being tall doesn't sound like a compliment also

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