Get a life

I always get asked of what would I be doing after work. Sleep no later than 9pm. Like seriously, I can't afford to lose my healthy skin to nightlife. Well, maybe not for this month. But I think I'm lucky enough to sleep without getting awaken by dreams in the middle of the night. Good, heavy sleeper. Glad insomnia rarely visit, like, never in years already. At the same time of revealing my after-work activity, it's very easily attracting a predictable doubt like, "Man, so no life meh?" or some regular feedback on getting a life after working hours.

But frankly, do I really need nighttime activity to prove the fact that I am conspicuously living a life and leading a normal lifestyle? My living just can't afford to have your vision on it and your value for life doesn't really equivalent to mine; and living under the shadow of everyone else is simply losing a living entity I have so much respect for. Or the all-time-favourite example of living a popular life by counting the amount of friends surrounded you under the limelight. One may go on with the family-and-friend-and-love-are-everything argument. On the second thought, how about the universe of self? I may come forward to inform you to get a life, like how you did to mine.

Literally, speak for yourself.


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