Love-hate relationship with spectacles

The first time I tested my eyesight power was back in 11 years old. I had my first glasses with the power of -1.50 and -1.30. Changed my glasses as the power shot up to -2.50 and -3.00 in less than 5 years. It could be owing to my nose attached to the glasses so much and it eventually relied on each other with very less separation. My aunty pointed out how sepet of my eyes back then and she actually advised me to avoid wearing glasses. I heeded her advice since then.

Eyesight power decreased from -3.00 to -2.75 and the other eye remained -2.50 but the specialist adjusted both of my power to -2.75 in my third glasses. As I recalled, the eye specialist was asking sarcastically that why didn't I meet accident without wearing specs in frequent manners.

I have not been feeling comfortable with wearing glasses in the past 2 years back in Brisbane. People teased me of wanting to appear pretty in the sight of public. Slight dizzy is one thing. Another thing is I felt okay without putting it on, even seeing blurry objects in far distance. I didn't go for any optical examination until few hours ago, I was attracted to 80% sales in a random optical shop so I thought I might give it a go. The specialist examined me from the optical machine and asked for my previous eyesight power.

"Result generated from the computer is both sides are also -2.00. It could not be accurate until you get manual examination." I thought I heard it wrongly. How could it be possible, you see?

So I went into the room for manual examination. Left side was -2.00 with no astigmatism. Right side was -2.00 with 0.75 astigmatism. WTF? I used to have 0.50 astigmatism on left eye and 1.50 on right eye and now 0.50 was like, gone? I told her I wasn't wearing any glasses or contact lenses lest driving or facing computer. Her jaws dropped. Then she adjusted my lenses power to -2.25 because the decreasing was, funny, according to her.

I think my eyesight power is not constant yet. Now I am still considering of optical laser surgery.


Jerome said…
well.. it's's important to take care of it.. Lasik is ok... but it is risky and expensive.. doesn't mean it wont come back...

take care babe!
Xuyene said…
Two of my colleagues have already done that for more than a year. Need extra care according to them. Hmmm.

Thanks dude.
i lap u said…
ok....I think I know how ur new spectacle looks it red colour frame?? =)

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