ME time

It's nice being single by waking up without an alarm clock, schedules reminder, phone calls, SMS, and everything in here is so quiet and peaceful with no parents or kids screaming at each other or mat rempit testing their vehicle's exhaust system. Had a piece of strawberry chocolates to help boosting the body's glucose level. Scrutinising self in the mirror, checking the fats and some pimple blemishes, and practicing some nice, sunny smiles before going off to freshen-up, as I do really believe in the magic of kicking start my day with heaps of smiling reflection over the mirror.

No plans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Watching my all-time favourite Stephen Chow's movies while enjoying brunch, coffee and laughter derived from good ol' Hong Kong movie jokes, in a cozy 2-person couch with all sizes of pillows. Little did I know here is the place full of inspirations, be it at work or at life. Sometimes I spend time on beauty and hair treatments; sometimes washing and vacuuming the car as alternative; sometimes I make sure the house and front yard are in squeaky-clean state; sometimes I spend an afternoon in doing groceries; sometimes brisk walk at Bukit Kiara after buying some fruits from TTDI; sometimes I still think of planning and analysis stuff at work.

Quoted my handsome housemate, "What do I do on weekends? Nothing. I love waking up without having anything in mind. No dates, no plans, no deadlines, and maybe being domestic."

By looking back of so many things I could have done on weekends, on second thought, I shall choose to be single, unless all my friends are getting hitched and ditch me for another stage of life, which I think the situation begins to shift its trend as what's predicted in life-changing stage, and then I reckon it's really time to get a boyfriend for a date as well as to look after my car. Hmmm guess nobody actually puts so much thought of what to do during me-time but planning to fit in as many parties as possible when being invited.

Well, I'm just anti-social after work and am emotional balance, however.


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