New Dawn

In 2008, I was a year shy of being an eligible voter. Being far away from home, all I could do was following the election news update via social media. Vendetta mask was widely displayed, as well as the movie quotes were popularised in emphasising the significance of people's voice. It was also the first time I heard of a louder voice of wanting change for the country. 

In 2013, the queue outside of my designated polling station was super long before sunrise. My younger, ineligible friend was so excited to feel the hype of UBAH and we waited in the line together. Restriction of journalism and speech did not hinder the people to campaign about the change we wanted. People from all over world were making an effort to cast their votes despite the physical distance. We saw unity in Bersih and felt united on election day. However, this year, we experienced the dirtiest and darkest election fraud in the history of GE. The result pained us so much we thought we could never see the change come albeit people were flocking in to vote. 

That year, people lived in shadows of arising scandals and name of country made to hall of shame worldwide. 

Before GE 14, the angst of people ignited with anticipation of injustice, bias and tricks from 5 years ago. 

People learnt from carelessness and were more cautious before election.
People advocated gotong-royong concept from educating voters, sharing transportation, to guarding polling stations.
People were not complaining about the traffic and hot weather.
People were hopeful and resourceful, especially the overseas voters for bringing the ballots back. 
People have one goal and we find ways to achieve it within short period of notice - it's like the reality of amazing race! 
People are united as one nation regardless of races and religions.

I will not say any political party is winning in this 'demand of change' battle but we, the people, are. Quoted from the movie - 'Government should be afraid of their people' - realized in Malaysia's victorious history on 9 May. Again, we are incredibly proud of our BOLEH spirit. We are just unstoppable the like of how we deal obstacles with kampung spirit. This feeling has been long lost - we waited in line, pulled all-nighter for results together, cheered with indellible-inked finger, and smiled at each other because we know why.

Historical moment. Hopeful Malaysians. I am part of 509 change. 


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