the Balboa's spirit

So, recently, I have been followed the Rocky Balboa series. I must admit I wasn't a fan of Sylvester Stallone but Rocky character is inspirational from the beginning until the end of this franchise. A fearless boxer, heavyweight champion, a boxer who prioritises wife and friends, and a retiree who is never bowed to life and fate where he uses his fists to bring inspiring life to himself and people around him. 

We are all born to create our values in life, and potentially bring values to other's lives. A loyal friend like Paulie is hard to find in this century. Loyalty seems like the least valuable trait but a loyal friend is whom you need the most though the ups and downs. How nice someone is stuck with you for a very long time regardless of your fame, your wealth and your influences.

Life is never easy and it will keep hitting you and keep you there permanently - and pandemic effect is what the world is facing right now. We must be ready to take the hit, get up and move forward. That's the spirit the world needs and Rocky said it all for us. 

Thank you, Rocky, for your living and winning spirit. Never imagine I would take a movie quote so closely and so personally, and by far, this is one of the best. 


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